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Purchasing: Other Policies and Manuals

This article provides information on the following topics related to Campus Purchasing:

Delegations of Authority


For information on other regulations and laws that govern purchasing activities for the University, see the related links.

Delegations of Authority

UC and UCLA purchasing delegations of authority originate from the Regents as follows:

  • Regents Standing Orders give authority to the President.
  • The President delegates purchasing authority to the Chancellors.
  • The Chancellor delegates purchasing authority to Administration.
  • Administration delegates purchasing authority to Purchasing.
  • Other delegations of authority can be found online.

Policies on delegations of authority can be found below.


UCLA Delegations

UCLA DA 500.01

UCLA DA 500.23

UC DA 2100

Execution of purchase contracts, subcontracts and standard purchase orders for materials to be supplied to the University

Regents Standing Order 100.4

Duties of the President of the University

Regents Bylaw5.1

Composition and Powers of the Corporation

Campus Purchasing Authority Matrix (PDF)

Provides dollar limit purchasing authority by job level



Some organizations that interact with Campus Purchasing have their policies in manuals:

APPM Online 

UCLA Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual; changes to APPs
UC Facilities ManualConstruction policy and requirements
UC Accounting Manual Financial policy and requirements
Research Administration OfficeUC Research and Administration